If you are unable to find the health information you are looking for, try searching Refugee Health(external link) and the websites listed on the health information in different languages page.
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Burmese health information
Below you will find links to health information translated into Burmese.
Many of the resources are from overseas, so emergency numbers and contact details may differ.

- Anaemia, Health Messenger Magazine (Aide Médicale Internationale) Burmese/English(external link).
- Child health, Health Messenger Magazine (Aide Médicale Internationale) Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
Note: Large document. Part I: Health (immunisations, milestone and child development) and Medical; Part II (infections, malnutrition, diarrhea, growth monitoring).
- BCG vaccine: Information for parents, HealthEd NZ Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Measles, mumps & rubella (MMR) vaccine: What you need to know, Centre for Disease Control & Prevention, USA Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Polio vaccine: What you need to know, Immunisation Action Coalition Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- BCG vaccine: After care for parents, HealthEd NZ Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Ward communication tool – Burmese(external link) – Queensland Health, Australia
- Vasectomy, Family Planning NSW Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
- Embrace Multicultural Mental Health(external link)(external link) – Australian website with information about mental health in multiple languages
- Vitamin D deficiency, Auckland Refugee Collaborative, Auckland District Health Board, NZ Burmese [PDF, 290 KB] English [PDF, 235 KB]
- Calcium: Fact sheet, Auckland Refugee Collaborative, Auckland District Health Board, NZ Burmese
- Iron: Fact sheet, Auckland Refugee Collaborative, Auckland District Health Board, NZ Burmese, English [PDF, 230 KB]
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs/STDs)
- Common vaginal and vulval conditions, Family Planning NSW Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
- Diaphragm, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
- The contraceptive injection: DMPA (depo-provera & depo-ralovera), NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- The copper IUD, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- The male condom, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- The emergency/combined contraceptive pill, NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- The vaginal ring (NuvaRing), NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service, Australia Burmese(external link)(external link) English(external link)(external link)
- Daily oral home care English Language Partners, NZ, English/Burmese(external link)
- Maternal health, Health Messenger Magazine (Aide Médicale Internationale) Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
NOTE: Large document, covers antenatal care, family planning, pregnancy, breastfeeding and complications that may arise after child birth. - Menstruation (periods) and how you can manage it, Family Planning NSW Burmese/English(external link)(external link)
Credits: Healthify editorial team. Healthify is brought to you by Health Navigator Charitable Trust.