AIDS and HIV support

AIDS support

  • Support services and information for people affected by AIDS and their family/whānau.
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Burnett Foundation Aotearoa(external link)
Freephone 0800 802 437

Positive Women Inc(external link) 
Phone (09) 623 9183. Supporting women and families in NZ living with HIV and AIDS.

Te Taenga Mai O NGĀ HAU E WHA(external link)
Phone (09) 303 0094, email [email protected].

Body Positive Inc.(external link)
Freephone 0800 HIV LINE (0800 448 5463), Auckland (09) 309 3989. Provides a broad range of services for people living with HIV in New Zealand.

Toitu te Ao(external link)
Phone 0210 870 1747, email [email protected]. Offers independent support to those who feel they are not being heard and to ensure they are taken seriously and that their rights are respected.

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