Stay in touch

Sharing and caring is cool!

Whanaungatanga is at the heart of what we do; we value the connections we make with our readers, supporters, collaborators and partners.  

Through the sharing of diverse experiences, knowledge and understandings we grow our ability to be truly inclusive. 

We offer a series of promotional tools for you to use in your practice, along with regular newsletters and social media channels to explore. 

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Healthify Tips – hauora made simple

Subscribe(external link) to our popular monthly newsletter to help keep you and your whānau healthy, as well as information and support to help you manage any health conditions. 


Healthify Sector News – hauora made simple

This monthly newsletter is aimed at healthcare providers to help you look after our own health and hauora as well as that of your patients and clients. We include news bites of interest to the sector from around the motu. Subscribe.(external link)


Long-Term Conditions Bulletin

If you’re a health provider, manager, academic or consumer advocate with an interest in long-term conditions, quality improvement, health literacy, self-management support and e-health, this bulletin is for you. Subscribe.(external link)
It is published six times a year by Health Navigator Charitable Trust and the Long-Term Conditions Network.(external link)


NZ Health App Library News 

With the increasing number of health apps, it's hard to know which ones are trustworthy, current or contain well-researched information. The NZ Health App Library(external link), overseen by the Health Navigator Charitable Trust and housed on Healthify, is here to help. Subscribe(external link) to receive our latest independent app reviews directly in your inbox.


View our past newsletters here.(external link)

Follow our social channels for tips to help keep you and your whānau healthy and happy.

Health Navigator Charitable Trust has a LinkedIn(external link) and Youtube(external link) pages.

All our work is supported and promoted through a range of free resources. Available for download, or fill in our contact form(external link) to place an order for printed copies.

Wallet cards


Give to patients/clients during consultations, with appointment letters, results or queries.

Place in waiting rooms, outpatient clinics, wards and community centres.

Double-sided with space on the back to write on. Available in orange or blue.


English (blue) [PDF, 43 KB] English (orange) [PDF, 43 KB] te reo Māori (blue) [PDF, 42 KB] te reo Māori (orange) [PDF, 42 KB] Samoan (blue) [PDF, 48 KB] Samoan (orange) [PDF, 48 KB] Tongan (blue) [PDF, 48 KB] Tongan (orange) [PDF, 48 KB]



Our double sided DLE flyer fits in rack card holders.




Health information flyer [PDF, 270 KB]




FIve different designs available to add colour and interest to your waiting room or community notice board.


Health information GP poster [PDF, 193 KB] Medicines poster [PDF, 214 KB] Health information family poster [PDF, 248 KB] Health information rangatahi poster [PDF, 1.6 MB] Health information kaumātua poster [PDF, 1.5 MB]