Take advantage of our content expertise – to align with your goals
Talk to us about our expert plain language content co-creation. We use our networks and content partners to bring you culturally acceptable resources in a wide range of languages relevant to your topic and region.
Get content at your fingertips – without lifting a finger
We have invested in API (application programme interface) technology and coded medicines information to allow safe website content sharing with organisations. Our content can be fed directly to your website and integrated with your patient portal, providing seamless information when your patients or clients need it. The content is updated at source and automatically shared through the API.
Don’t reinvent the wheel – brand our content as yours
Leverage our branding and reputation and talk with us about co-branding or customising our newsletters, social media posts and resources. This will enable you to provide information your patients and clients can trust, in a timely and cost-effective way.
Small website, limited budget? We can help with that!
Extend your reach by letting us bring more people to your organisation through a customised section on our website. You choose what topics are included and we work together to co-design audience appropriate content and promotion. Then we loop people back to your site.
Include the right voices – tap into our lived experience network
Employ the skills of our Whanau Ora Voice of Experience Network (WOVEN to help you design, plan and develop your health services so you get the best possible outcomes. Our WOVEN lived experience advisors bring a range of demographic, cultural, disability and minority perspectives and backgrounds. They work with a range of organisations, including the Ministry of Health, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, Synergia, DHBs, PHOs, advisory and governance groups and universities.
Long-term conditions clinical network
Join our network of healthcare professionals with an interest in working with people with long-term conditions. The network provides a space for shared learnings, interest groups and forums.
Expand your offerings ‒ subscribe to our news channels
We have a selection of popular e-newsletters and social media channels to keep you up to date with what is relevant to your communities. We also offer our news content in template format to make your messaging to patients and clients easier.
Expand your offerings even further ‒ become a hub partner
We're developing a national health content hub. As medicine and technology have advanced, clinicians have made some awesome discoveries and can treat so many more conditions. However, collectively, we’ve also created a health system and information maze that is often overwhelming and challenging to navigate or understand. We believe a national hub that houses consistent high quality health information from the sector will go a long way to solving this.
Make contact: [email protected]