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5 minutes with... Lily Henderson

Lily Henderson

At Healthify, we're grateful to have an incredible team of subject matter experts who take the time to review our website content. Meet registered dietitian Lily Henderson.


Lily Henderson, dietitian

Q. Tell us a little about your clinical background.

I have been a registered dietitian for 17 years and have worked in New Zealand, Australia and the UK with a diverse range of populations. Most of my experience has been in public health and community nutrition where I've worked on the design, implementation and evaluation of programmes targeting the prevention and treatment of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. More recently I have been involved in nutrition and health policy and leading the development of population health guidelines.

Q. Why are you interested in supporting Healthify through reviewing?

Healthify is one of the most important and highly regarded health resources in NZ and being on the team of reviewers means I can help to ensure the content is evidence-based, up-to-date and relevant to the New Zealand context. The science will continue to change and evolve, and good information is important for everyone no matter where they are on their health journey.

Q.  What are some of your key considerations when reviewing Healthify’s online content?

I always think about distilling content into 2-3 key messages and carefully consider how I frame messages so that they're positive and empower people to change their behaviour. When it comes to nutrition, instead of highlighting foods to avoid (which I don’t think is very helpful) I prefer to give practical ideas, swaps and tips that are accessible and help people put the advice into practice.

Q. Tell us something about yourself that people might not know but be interested to learn.

I love science but most people wouldn’t know I come from a creative family and have a background in art, music and painting. One of my part-time first jobs was as a professional face and body painter. I have painted many faces but also pregnant bellies!