EstroGel® is an oestrogen-containing gel that's applied to your skin.
- EstroGel® comes in a container with a metered dose pump, which means that each pump gives the same amount of gel and the same dose.
- One pump gives 1.25 g of gel with 0.75 mg of oestradiol.
- In Aotearoa New Zealand, Estrogel is available in the 0.06% strength.
EstroGel® is used as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) to ease symptoms when they are interfering with your daily life or for oestrogen-based gender affirming hormone therapy. It can also be used for people who have early (premature) menopause for example after treatment for cancer.
EstroGel® may also be used for osteoporosis prevention in women who have already had menopause and are at a high risk of fractures, who are unable to take other types of medicines for osteoporosis.